Five Conservation Scholarships Awarded

The Nebraska Chapter of the Soil & Water Conservation Society (SWCS), the Nebraska Soil & Water Conservation Foundation (NSWCF), and the Nebraska Chapter SWCS-UNL Foundation are pleased to announce 5 scholarship recipients for the spring 2025 semester. Each recipient was awarded $1,000.
Scholarship recipients in alphabetical order, including major course of study, university, and hometown, are:
Gracie Ackles, from Farwell, is a freshman at Chadron State College majoring in Rangeland Management and Agricultural Education, and received the Dave Langemeier Memorial Scholarship.
Grace Belter, from Omaha, is a senior at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln majoring in Conservation Biology and Environmental Education, and received a SWCS-UNL Foundation Scholarship.
Kaitlyn Richards, Ankeny, IA, is a graduate student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln majoring in Hydrological Sciences, and received the Cam Loerch Memorial Scholarship.
Samantha Rodewald, McCook, is a sophomore at Chadron State College majoring in Rangeland Wildlife Management, and received a Tina Lorentzen Carlson Memorial Scholarship.
Janae Sliva, Platte Center, is a junior at Chadron State College majoring in Rangeland Wildlife Management, and received a Tina Lorentzen Carlson Memorial Scholarship.
The Nebraska Soil & Water Conservation Foundation and the Nebraska Chapter SWCS-UNL Foundation are supported by Nebraska SWCS Chapter members and friends through an annual golf tournament, silent auction, and direct memorial donations. SWCS is a nonprofit, multidisciplinary organization for anyone interested in natural resource management and conservation. Its mission is to advocate the protection, enhancement, and wise use of soil, water, and related natural resources. More information about the Nebraska SWCS Chapter can be found at