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McCook Tennis Defeated Lexington

McCook Bison Tennis

Comments from Head Coach Matt Wiemers: Solid road trip today. Super proud of the team and the way they competed. Very encouaging to see our junior varsity have early season success. Abby and Brooklynn earned their opening season singles matches in strong fashion. And our doubles teams are continuing to get better and are improving on being aggressive. Now we prep for our home opener on Thursday afternoon with Hershey and North Platte.






Site:   Lexington 



Abby Schneider (11)           VS     Hannah Scharff (12)

8-1 McC


Brooklynn Gillen (12)         VS     Atley Harris (9)


8-0 McC


Izzy Clause (12)                  VS     Abrianna Reynosa (12)

8-1 McC


Roslyn Wiemers (12)          VS     Ella Young (12)

8-5 McC


Elizabeth McConville (11)  VS     Sydney Reutlinger (9)

8-6 McC


Cassidy Rogers (10)            VS     Kennedy Cetak (10)

7-9 Lex


Jaylee Hammond (11)         VS     Jovie Worthing (10)

8-5 McC



Abi Thompson (10)             VS    Barbora Pencikova (11)     

8-0 McC




Izzy Clause (12)                   VS     Ella Young (12)

Roslyn Wiemers (12)                     Abrianna Reynosa (12)

8-2 McC


Elizabeth McConville (11)   VS     Kennedy Cetak (10)

Cassidy Rogers (10)                       Sydney Reutlinger (9)

8-4 McC


Jaylee Hammond (11)          VS     Hannah Scharff (12)

Abi Thompson (10)                        Atley Harris (9)

        8-5 McC


Abby Schneider (11)            VS     Jovie Worthing (10)

Brooklynn Gillen (12)                    Barbora Pencikova (11)                                    

8-0 McC


        McCOOK JV



Bailee Foster (11)

Madison Wilcox (11)

Sophia Burns (10)

Jasmin Aguirre (10)

6-0 McC


Hannah Thompson (12)

Kaela Hinze (10)

Penny Goodwin (10)

Dayana Guzman (10)

6-3 McC


Riliegh Carson (11)

Analia Almanza (9)

Layla Mariel (9)

Destiny Gomez (10)

6-1 McC


Lily Maynard (11)

Lacey Rouse (12)

Kamila Ortiz (10)

Khushi Chaudhari (10)

6-2 McC


Bailee Foster (11)

Madison Wilcox (11)

Asmaa Ahmed (10)

Lisbeth Rodas (10)

6-0 McC


Hannah Thompson (12)

Kaela Hinze (10)

Feliciana Deleon (9)

Giovanna Garcia (9)

6-1 McC


Riliegh Carson (11)

Analia Almanza (9)

Najmo Hassan (12)

Lily Lemmer (9)

6-1 McC


Lily Maynard (11)

Lacey Rouse (12)

Krystal Vazquez (10)

Mayci Gomez (9)

6-0 McC


McCook JV

Lexington JV

Bailee Foster (11)

Sophia Burns (10)

6-3 McC

Madison Wilcox (11)

Jasmin Aguirre (10)

6-1 McC

Hannah Thompson (12)

Penny Goodwin (10)

3-6 Lex

Kaela Hinze (10)

Dayana Guzman (10)

7-5 McC

Riliegh Carson (11)

Layla Mariel (9)

6-4 McC

Analia Almanza (9)

Destiny Gomez (10)

6-0 McC

Lily Maynard (11)

Kamila Ortiz (10)

6-4 McC

Lacey Rouse (12)

Khushi Chaudhari (10)

6-3 McC

Bailee Foster (11)

Asmaa Ahmed (10)

6-0 McC

Madison Wilcox (11)

Lisbeth Rodas (10)

6-0 McC

Hannah Thompson (12)

Giovanna Garcia (9)

6-0 McC

Kaela Hinze (10)

Najmo Hassan (12)

6-0 McC

Riliegh Carson (11)

Lily Lemmer (9)

6-0 McC

Analia Almanza (9)

Krystal Vazquez (10)

6-0 McC

Lily Maynard (11)

Mayci Gomez (9)

6-0 McC


        McCOOK JV



Zaely Pace (10)

Peyton Thorpe (10)

Mia Alvidrez (9)

Emily Galvan (9)

6-0 McC


Brooke Brown (12)

Jackie Sattler (10)

Nawal Daud (9)

Cecilia Chavez (9)

6-0 McC


Alizah Reynolds (10)

Grace Vrbas (10)

Sindy Morales (9)

Ximena Miranda (9)

6-1 McC


Kinsey Maynard (9)

Klaire McCorkle (9)

Najma Abdi (9)

Sahra Jeidan (10)

6-0 McC


Hannah Ralston (9)

Peyton Thorpe (10)

Yeimy Lopez (9)

Katherin Dubon (9)

6-0 McC


Zaely Pace (10)

Jackie Sattler (10)

Briana Medina (9)

Allison Rangel (9)

6-0 McC


Klarie McCorkle

Kinsey Maynard

Georgina Bernardino (9)

Yeimy Lopez (9)

6-0 McC


Zaely Pace (10)

Mia Alvidrez (9)

6-0 McC

Peyton Thorpe (10)

Emily Galvan (9)

6-1 McC

Brooke Brown (12)

Nawal Daud (9)

6-2 McC

Jackie Sattler (10)

Cecilia Chavez (9)

6-1 McC

Alizah Reynolds (10)

Sindy Morales (9)

6-2 McC

Grace Vrbas (10)

Ximena Miranda (9)

6-0 McC

Kinsey Maynard (9)

Najma Abdi (9)

6-2 McC

Klaire McCorkle (9)

Sahra Jeidan (10)

6-0 McC

Alizah Reynolds (10)

Katherin Dubon (9)

6-0 McC

Hannah Ralston (9)

Briana Medina (9)

6-0 McC

Brooke Brown (12)

Allison Rangel (9)

6-0 McC

Grace Vrbas (10)

Yeimy Lopez (9)

6-0 McC

Klaire McCorkle (9)

Georgina Bernardino (9)

6-0 McC



Lexington JV    1

 McCook JV      42 




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