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Nebraska State Fair Board to Meet Friday

Nebraska State Fair Logo.

REVISED Meeting Agenda
July 19, 2024 – 1:00 PM
Administrative Offices, Grand Island, NE
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Inform Public of Open Meetings Act Posting Location
4. Consent Agenda
  a.Minutes of June 21, 2024 Board Meeting
5. June Financial Reports – Joe Stump, AMGL and Jaime Parr
  a.Consideration of June Financial Reports
6. Board Committee and Representative Business and Reports
  a.Events – Brett Lindstrom
  b.Facilities Planning – Tom Schellpeper
  c.Agriculture – Dawn Caldwell
  d.Finance – Lanna Hubbard
  e.FFA – Ryan Hassebrook
  f. 4-H – Kathleen Lodl
  g.Executive – Jeff Kliment
  h.HR Committee – Beth Smith
7. Staff Department Head Reports
  a.Events – Karli Schulz
  b.Operations – Tina Thuernagle
  c.Agriculture – Vaughn Sievers
  d.Sales – Keaton Irwin
  e.Marketing – Courtney Glock
  f. Sponsorship – Nichole Stoltenberg
8. 1868 Foundation Report – Lindsey Koepke
9. Executive Director Report – Jaime Parr
10. Adjourn

Next month's Fair Board Meeting: August 23, 2024 – Grand Island, NE @ Administrative offices
Agenda subject to change – copies will be available at meeting.