Women can learn, advance their fishing skills at BOW events

Women looking to learn fishing skills or expand what they already know are invited to events hosted by the Becoming an Outdoors-Woman program in April.
The free offerings are:
Introduction to Fishing – April 16 at Platte River State Park, April 23 at Conestoga State Recreation Area, April 24 at Olive Creek SRA.
This evening of fun and fellowship will include selecting a beginner's fishing equipment, baiting a hook, casting a line, and safely releasing fish. All equipment and bait will be provided.
Fishing: Next Steps – April 21 at Platte River SP, April 30 at Conestoga SRA, May 1 at Olive Creek SRA
This evening is focused on women who have cast a line before and would like to build their confidence to fish independently. It will include fish identification, bait selection, choosing equipment for a type of fish, finding your fishing hole, cleaning panfish, and cooking a panfish over an open campfire. All equipment and bait will be provided.
All events are from 6-8 p.m. A park entry permit is required.
See the calendar event entries at Calendar.OutdoorNebraska.gov to register.
The Becoming an Outdoors-Woman program empowers women with the knowledge of outdoor skills. Outdoor experts and instructors teach women a variety of workshops and interactive courses related to hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, kayaking, archery, target shooting, plant and wildlife identification, nature photography, outdoor cooking and more.